Session 10 Email 1 - GM to PlayersSeveral members of the party are sitting at the Tilted Keg, chatting with a few of the dancing girls during a relative quiet part of the evening. Tess, a slightly goofy looking woman with short spiky dark hair, is asking about Sumar-Fareen, and is wondering if the Gawdess really has a place at a militry fort. As Vanessa is getting ready to answer, Maya finishes pinning up her long brown hair and jumps in with a big sniff and a toss of her shoulder (making a ripple go down her vivid blue veil - it's probably a practiced move): "Sumar-Fareen. Sumar-Fareen. Sumar-Fareen! You're so full of questions about Sumar-Fareen! Who cares about her? She's not a Gawdess for the likes of YOU. You'd do better to ask about a soldier's Gawd. Besides, you should be getting ready for your set - you're up next! And me? *I*'m going to get something to eat while I can." She stands up and looks over the gathering. Marlene, the oldest of the dancers as far as you can tell, quickly says, "that wasn't very nice to Tess. She can ask about the Gawdess if she wants." Maya adds another sniff. "Whatever. I won't stop her." She walks off towards the kitchen. Tess stands up, and when Marlene turns to her, shrugs. "I DO need to get ready. Later." Damaris - the friendly blonde - quietly suggests, "Maybe Maya's having a hard day." Marlene lets that statement go past without comment. In the silence that follows, Vanessa takes the opportunity to ask about Jarl's wife. Who was she, and what was she like? Marlene answers first. "Ella? Oh, yes, you didn't get here until after she went away. She was kind of distant? She and Jarl always got along well when they were getting along, but they did have arguments. To be perfectly honest," Marlene lowers her voice oh-so-slightly, "she could be kind of rude sometimes, but if you didn't let that bother you, you could get along with her. She did know how to run a business! Jarl likes to chat with the customers more than anything." Damaris has been looking thoughtful and adds, "she did go away all of a sudden. She liked dramatic gestures, but I was kind of surprised she didn't talk to any of us before she left. We do miss her some, especially Yamilet, I think. It's hard to tell, as shy as Yami is. But Ella, she up and left without saying anything. I don't know what might have caused it. I went to bed and she was gone the next morning." Marlene nods. "Jarl had just come out of the Baily's jail a week before. I'd guess they butted heads. Well. She wasn't a bad person to work for, I guess. Jarl's not too bad either." As far as exploring the Tilted Keg goes, it might be hard to be unobtrusive - there's almost always someone active. It's one of the larger buildings in the Middle Baily, two stories (with perhaps some tiny rooms under the eaves), one side abutting the Fort's wall. There's a small watch tower right where the Keg meets the wall, and you didn't remember seeing sentries there earlier, but after the news of the Hobgoblin attack on the caravan, there have been sentries there as well as the As far as you can tell, there are some sort of Keep kitchens against the back of the Tilted Keg. Inside, the main room is partly two stories high, but there are numerous private rooms down a hallway, as well as room Jarl lets out upstairs (some by the hour, as it were). A large bar runs along one wall, with a small door to the kitchens. There's a small stage along the side wall, where the dancing girls do actually dance. The floor is usually fairly clean, the food is acceptable, the drink's not bad. Tables and boothes fill the room, and there's almost always a crowd, and often a rather motley crowd - everything from humans of various colors (Maya is very pale, Raven is very dark), many in uniform, to various craftdwarves and gnomes, to merchant guards, bounty hunters, even pixie fairies flit about the room from time to time. All in all, a mix of civilians, soldiers, and adventurers of all sorts. So, what's the plan of attack? --Your friendly GM