Session12Off to the MinesThe party, fresh from their victory in the legal arena decide that the time is right to make a Name for themselves in the Keep. Gurge, it happens, actually knows where the Mines are, and is willing to tell them - altho he has no desire to go there himself. There is a fair bit of discussion about how to survive in the wilderness before a chance remark from Yadris makes them realize that hiring guides is a possibility. Quote of the Day
Re: Hiring a guide "Wait, we can DO that???" So Noer spreads the word around town that the party is looking for a guide. Two days later... Angel BlueEveryone is gathered around breakfast at the Keg, when a young half-elf struts into the tavern and approaches their table. She plants her feet in a wide stance, props her hands on her hips, and says, "I hear you're looking for a guide. I'm her. My name is Angel Blue." Light brown hair frames her rather squarish face; her skin is a delicate brown. She is rather thin, no breasts to speak of, but then, half-elves - they tend towards the androgynous. Willowly, short frame aside, no one is brushing past her, and a passing waitress pauses a moment to goggle. Our Heroes exchange glances and look to Vanessa and Noer, the most outspoken of the group. The resulting conversation goes something like this:
Negotiations eventually settled on 1.5sp/day as a hunter and guide, board and room, when available, plus equipment. She was offered a position in the party when they entered the Mines, but after Oleum said something about Owlbears, she decided she was not interested. She was sent off to do some shopping with Oleum (with the warning that he could be a little gruff and it was okay.) Noer and Vanessa discussed whether she could be convinced to join Noer in starting a banking religion or whether she should become a temple prostitute. Later developments will demonstrate just how appallingly inappropriate these religious machinations were. While they are out shopping, Noer has a panicked moment of buyer's remorse, and heads over to Gandle - the leatherworker was the one who sent Angel over. Gandle is happily sorting furs when Noer comes in, and greets the hero warmly. Their conversation goes something like this:
Noer, who wanted very badly to feel reassured, was reassured, and reported back to the party that they had hired an excellent guide and huntress. Last preparationsOleum and Angel stock up on healing supplies, candles, torches, oil, iron spikes, short lengths of rope (perhaps good for tripwire?), etc. The party sits down with Gurge (and Xi, who has pulled a muscle in her leg badly and won't be joining them) to get directions, and he explains to Angel how to get there and what to watch out for. As he's getting up he wishes them "good luck", and audibly mutters under his breath, "you're gonna need it." Yadris calls them in for a meeting before they head out. He informs them that he has received reports that there may be kobolds at the so-called "mines of chaos" and that they may be holding captive some prisoners, taken from an attacked caravan. The party should keep a look out for them and rescue them if they can. Roger gets as many details as he can, but there isn't much to go on. There were several halfling merchants and a number of human men-at-arms, but no information beyond that.