Session 17, a Dramatic Rescue!Party's Current Mood
Some Kobolds Don't Get StabbedScouting Alone
Lori can handle herself in the woods fairly well. The party no longer has an elf or a halfling who can also sneak through the woods quietly. So Lori scouts alone. Lori, the Ranger, goes scouting on her own, and discovers a band of kobolds heading away from the Mines. She mimics the large feline yowling they heard earlier, and the kobolds spook. She decides this is fun and repeats it a few times. Lori thinks she knows which way they're going, and after a few minutes amusing herself, heads back to the campsite to report. After some discussion, they decide to ambush the kobolds. Much of the discussion revolves around the wisdom of shooting first and then asking questions. Kobolds
They even pull off their ambush. Almost. At the last minute, one of the kobolds with a spear grabs the leader's arm and whispers something to them. They stop the column immediately, and everyone crouches down, ready for a threat. The leader shouts out in Goblin, "Who's there?" A shouted negotiation ensues. Eventually, the kobolds buy safe passage with a tidbit of juicy knowledge: The hobgoblins are planning to buy some prisoners from the Golbins. They even have a time and a place: tonight at sunset, at the goblins' entryway in the Mines. Ambush #2, Hobgoblins and Goblins at SunsetIt turns out the kobolds were even telling the truth. Tilden and Lori strap on extra swords and they give Vanessa a quick lesson in crossbows. Robert is elected battle leader, as his reading of military tactics puts him on a slight advantage over Vanessa. Then with One Eye they head out. The party manages to scale the slope above the goblins' entrance and settle in to wait. Just as the sun is setting, a trio of large orange goblinoids approach the fire pit outside the goblin entrance. They have morning stars strapped across their backs and are wearing matching leather armor and some sort of uniform. One of them has a small sack looped thru his belt, and Roger (at least) can almost see the shape of coins inside it. They take up position on the far side of the pit and stand at easy parade rest, feet planted solidly, alert, relaxed, very martial. These are clearly Hobgoblins. After about five minutes, they start to look a little annoyed and perhaps confused, and their discipline flips a little as they fidgit and look around. Finally, the one in the lead marches to one of the openings and yells something in. They eventually return to the others, and after a few more minutes, a goblin skulks out. They're armed with a leather breastplate and a short spear (or javalin?). This one chats quietly with the Hobgoblin for a bit and finally - FINALLY - three more goblins come out with a pair of human prisoners. The prisoners are both rather tall, similarly coloured, barely clothed, and very well tied. Just as things are getting exciting, and the lead goblin is checking that the sack does indeed contain payment, Roger starts the ambush! A quick, sharp affray: (summarized)
Injuries sustained:Goblinoid
Quote of the Day"Roger is very happy being the person in charge who no one listens to."