Session5Our Heroes decide to follow up a rumor of caverns under the keep, behind the falls.Xy leads the party down to the Lower Baily to ask permission to go poking around the area. The hapless schmuck they find at the gate has no idea how to deal with this problem, and seeing his Commandant walking by, decides to follow that grand military tradition: passing the buck. The Commandant listens to Xy's request to search for openings beneath the Keep...Wait. Actually, she asks permission to go "meditate under your lovely waterfall" as part of a holy Pilgrimage for Sumar-Fareen. The Commandant basically tells her to knock herself out, as long as she doesn't block the path or anything. The party starts out the gate, and as a closing remark, the Commandant turns away and reminds the party that the gates close at sundown. Oops - almost sundown now! The party is frustratedSo they decide to get drunk.Like adults.Because children can't buy alcohol, even in the Keep. Unless they look old enough. After some soldiers pointed towards them ("There she is!") and laughed (Vanessa blew the boys a kiss), a drink was definitely called for. The Party returns to the Tilted Keg, which is again busy. Some of the crowd include:
The party splits...their attention
Vanessa and SvarSvar told Vanessa about his life as an adventurer, how he'd been so dramatically injured singlehandedly holding off a Scoria Albino Dragon to save his adventuring party. He also told Vanessa the story (as he heard it anyway) of how Jarl caught this soldier sleeping with his wife, and tossed him off the wall and over the falls. They never did find the soldier's body. Xy and GurgeXy, in an effort to prove... Xy, hoping to... You know what, I'll just leave her motivations aside here and describe events. Xy bellies up to the table next to the Bounty Hunter, grabs a waitress's attention, and orders one of "what he has." Shortly, a big mug of "Grevan Stout" was placed in front of her. She took it, and downed the whole thing. And then, to the amazement of everyone, she stayed upright. She proceeded to have several more of the drinks with the Bounty Hunter, and they talked a little bit. She lost his interest talking about libraries a little bit but then told amusing stories of slaughtering drunken orcs. His name is Gurge. He doesn't like orcs. He's been at the Keep for a while. know what? Drinking large amounts of alcohol doesn't make it easy to remember everything that was said the night before. The Debacle of the WaterfallOr, how our party decide to fuel the gossip millsThe next morning, our party makes an attempt find the purported caverns underneath the waterfall. Having acquired permission the night before, the party heads down the path to the cliffs near the Keep. Noer - the best at climbing - determines a place where he thinks he sees a ledge below, and Xy is lowered by rope over the edge. She fails to find any ledge, but goes ahead with the plan: she casts a light spell on a rock and then amplifies the illumination, and then throws the rock at top of the waterfall. The hope was that any caverns would be visible in the light (none were, btw). The actual result was a bit different: a sortie was made from the keep, and the party was surrounded. Xy was hoisted up and the entire party was marched back to the Keep under arrest. Total Party Arrest. W00t? Proposed spell
Not quite the quote of the day"As much as the market will bear!" "Or in this case, 'Owlbear.'" Quote of the DayRoger: ALL of us are going to have a hard time with this, Ms Bleeds to Death. Xy: Nah, my character................oh, nevermind.