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Data for Auri

I'm fugly.

My eyes are slightly different sizes, my nose has a noticeable deviated septum. Auri's parents are both still alive, as far as she knows. Her mother was indifferent to raising an ugly child, and her father was ill equipped for picking up the parenting, so Auri kind of raised herself.

Unfortunately, Auri's next younger sister, Lilith, hated her guts, and between that and her parents, Auri grew up very paranoid and doesn't let people get close to her easily.

Her other family: A brother 2 years younger who is okay with her, young brother whose twin died, and two little sisters, one of which likes her. There were 3 children who died in early childhood.

The upper middle class family is well situated, and to the outside world looked Honorable and healthy, but Auri knew better. She happily left her family and got into trouble on her own.

Ability Scores

HitPoints, Wounds, and General Health


800Notes: Eaten by hook horrors ;_;
8Notes: nasty scratch and brusing from giant hook
15Notes: Giant Hook Horrors

2nd Level: 22
->15 (cloak fell in her face as spell glyf went off, protecting her from blunt of spell)
->18 (orkin wardawg slipped...)
->14 (Orkin Fighter distracted by yelling at Orcs for split second)
{[ERROR: unexpected text: 0+etc]}

Quirks and Flaws

Paranoid(from growing up in her family)
MisguidedShe means well.

Talents and Racial Abilities

Acrobatic Talent+5% on various acrobatic rolls
Dagger Damage Bonus+1 damage
Dagger Speed Bonus+1 speed
Dagger Accuracy Bonus+1 accuracy
Light Armor Proficiency
Dagger Proficiency
Knife Proficiency
Sling Proficiency
Throwing Knives Proficiency
Specialization (Speed)+1
Specialization (Damage)+1

Physical Skills
Climbing  27
Jumping  17
TumblingHM 4th 26
ContortionMade up performance/dex (1bp) 29
Escape Artist  12
Academic-ish Skills
Literacy  26
Geology  19
Cooking  15
Thiefy Skills
Identify Traps 8
Disarm Traps  14
Trap Design  18
Hiding 23
Sneaking (moving silently, etc) 28
Lock Picking  14
Picking Pockets  21
Listening (well practiced)  25

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Page last modified on May 25, 2020, at 11:44 PM

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