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Data for Xylien

Young hot cocky mage? If you think mages who can drink you under the table are hot.

  • Note: is currently sleeping with Gurge, a male half-ogre bounty hunter, when they are both in the Keep

Xy's family was solidly middle class. Her father was a mage of some small ability, and he had decided that his daughter Xylien was going to follow in his footsteps. He was a hard taskmaster who drove all four of his children hard, but none harder than Xylien.

However, harsh training, teenage emotions, improper pedagogy, and a fair bit of magical talent don't always mix well. A conflagration resulted in the death of Xy's entire family, and she fled to hide in the local library - a small wonder of the region. She stayed there for 5 long years.

It was not an easy time; she was in hiding and had only books to keep her company. A political change resulted in an administrator who noticed things were moving around and food was going missing. Xy didn't know anything was up until she was unceremoniously seized by some old guy with a pair of town guards, determined to be penniless, and tossed out.

One of the underlings cleaning up her stuff realized her spellbooks were not part of the library and very kindly ran them out to her. Realizing she was completely lost, they suggested Xy go to one of the temples. As luck (or plot) would have it, she ended up at a temple of Sumar-Fareen.

Poorly socialized teenage mages are not exactly Sumar-Fareen's usual wards, but they took her in, and she started to flower.

Ability Scores

HitPoints, Wounds, and General Health

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Quirks and Flaws

TruthfulThere were harsh consequences for lying and Xy always tells the truth
MisguidedXy tries
Hemophiliac"Ms Bleeds-to-death"

Talents and Racial Abilities

Fast Healer(once she stops bleeding)
Charm Resistant
Less SleepLucky girl
Quarterstaff proficiency
Mage spells
Amplify Illumination
JourneymanBar Portal (close a door, not a portal to a bar
Perimeter Alarm
1st levelDoze
2nd levelTorchlight
Magic Mis(most-specifically-not-copyrighted-material)sile

glean information

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Page last modified on March 07, 2019, at 10:27 PM

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