Notable NPCs the party might want to keep track of. Or at least remember the names of?
Officers of the Keep
- Yadris - Commandant of the Lower Baily when the party arrives
- Hackinmoore? - Commandant of the Middle Baily - oversaw trial/divorce. Fat and sporting a big grey mustache. Also was wearing plate mail while overseeing a trial.
Guards, Soldiers, Conscripts
- Nargus - obnoxious gate guard with mustache (see Session 1)
- Gnat - obnoxious gate guard without mustache example 1
- Numerous other unnamed obnoxious gate guards
- Neo and Tom - two conscripts who were friends with Declan, the conscript Jarl tossed over the falls
- Gurge - a half-ogre(!) bounty hunter, last seen shacking up with Xy
- Ellen Ellensdottor - now proprietor and owner of the Tilted Keg inn. Somewhat in party's debt.
- Jarl - ex-proprietor of Tilted Keg, ex-husband of Ellen, exile branded with the mark of Sumar-Fareen for spousal abuse
- Madame Kandaree - a "fortune teller" who is a close friend of Ellen. She's a fraud, but she's got some tricks Noer couldnt' figure out.
- Svar, a gnomling running the Adventurer's Guild in town. He's a dark grey fellow, missing an arm, a leg, and one eye. Likes stories?
- Priest of Benyar - name as yet unknown, but the fact that he doesn't like the party overmuch IS known. He kind of looks like one of Benyar's Ravens, actually, all thin and angular with his shiny black head over black robes.
Dancing Girls/Bedwarmers/staff
- Yamilet (now terrified of Noer? Sewer)
- Marlene
- Raven
- Damaris
- Tess
- Maya - still pissed at the party
- Zana - fighting the hard fight: a half-orcish dancing girl
- Kryleena - half-elf? Good with a knife.
Merchants etc
- Crazy Zeke - big store that has EVERYTHING. Roger found books ranging from halfing erotica to the dummy's guide to cat worship. Or something.
- Gwindle Pennythrift - Moneylender's Guild representative, runs a pawn shop in town. Sold Vanessa a squirrel? and Noer a sign.
- Gandle and Vedra - a dwarven and human couple who run a leathershop in town. Recommended Angel to the party.
- Old Man Quid - Roger's secret mage contact in the Keep, covers as an herbalist
Others, including Adventurers and General Riff-Raff
- Ulrich ...RockLicker? Some Dwarf the party met in the fens. He licked rocks a lot. No one can remember his family name. The party has taken up two quests after he died helping them:
- Return his ancestral rocks to his homeland
- Finish his quest to find the 100 pure white kittens (led by the black-streaked Charlemagne, the most magnificent of them all!) that he "borrowed" from his sisters.
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