Our heroes are inside the keep, except for Oleum, who is cooling his heels (taking a nap, using his helmet to avoid sunburn) outside the front steps. Oleum does overhear Nargus and Gnat making jokes about the Keep Prefect and Sumar-Fareen after the rest of the party has gone inside. He's not sure what the joke is.
Lower Baily
The party (less Oleum) perused the job board and met the poor bastard on the pillory, then asked about Pack Apes at the stables. (Incidentally, B now has visions of a new character: a halfling glued to the back of a pack ape.) The prices for renting them (Pack Apes, not halflings) were astronomical.
Stabling was arranged for 2sp/day for the 4 donkeys, after Noer threatens the stable-boys with head-kicking after they offer to brush the dust from the travelers.
Middle Baily - split the party!
- Vanessa and Xyleum meander into the Middle Baily while Noer tries to figure out if he can help get Oleum into the Keep. But it turns out that Nargus and Gnat - the guards on duty - can be hardasses and sticklers, and other guards can't do much of anything. So Oleum hurries to catch up with them, and they all enter the Tilted Keg Tavern.
Noer gets off to a good start with Jarl, the proprietor, asking for an ass-kicking for the Pack Ape. Vanessa wants to talk to the women about Sumar-Fareen, and Jarl, not knowing whoTF Sumer-Fareen is until a few moments ago, confusedly agrees. Jarl is apparently running a brothel out of his inn, offering the services of "bedwarmers." Noer does his best to make sure Vanessa's not giving away money, and then sets out on his own agenda.
- What agenda, you ask? Pissing off the Temple of Benyar, apparently. He went in asking about money changers, and managed to insult the priest several different ways. ("So your money changers are at your satellite locations, right?") Good job.
- Vanessa learns that there was some ugliness over Jarl's wife having a lover, but doesn't learn any details. The women seem at least interested in Sumar-Fareen. Xy hangs out with V and the girls.
- P's character [Reginald, aka Roger] (dammitall, I cannot remember his name. Frank Oswold or something?) discovered the lack of a library in the Keep, but on the recommendation of a quiet (sad?) bouncer/waiter, paid a visit to Crazy Zedar's to look for books. He found them all right. Everything from "Learn How to Sail" to halfling erotica. Nothing caught his attention tho, so he didn't buy anything. Zed seems to have a bit of everything for sale, for what it's worth.
- Oleum finally stops being stiff-necked around dinnertime and convinces the guard he can play their game. They let him in, and he finds Vanessa in the Tilted Keg. He settles down for some dicing with some of the locals and another visitor - some adventurer/warrior. He hears how one of the guards thinks someone in the guard has found a silver mine outside the keep, but the adventurer doesn't think it's the right area for silver.
The party reconvenes at the Tilted Keg for dinner.
Quote of the Day
"Oh, this is a *great* 7th level spell, oooo, there's a great 6th level one too!" ... "So, do you stay and keep bothering the Priest?"
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