Session 3In which our GM got really sleepy after having something to drinkThe characters wonder how to find MelaneeOur heroes spent some time wondering just how they were going to find Melanee and the Tome. Vanessa asked the bedwarmers, but none of them knew anything about Melanee. Some ideas tossed around:Noer: Look for "E". I'm a friend of a friend, asking about a job opening a few months ago? Oleum: shouldn't you be asking in the Keep? "high class poontang" Vanessa: any good looking men not allowed to visit the bedwarmers? To the Upper Baily!The characters follow Noer's lead to the Gates of the Upper Baily to try and talk their way in. No dice. No one knows anything helpful. No way in. A way in?The characters meet Svar, a gnomling running the Adventurer's Guild in town. He's a dark grey fellow, missing an arm, a leg, and one eye. He ends up sympathetic to the characters after hearing Oleum's story of woe and the loss of his family heirloom. The only people he can rAn emember going in besides military and contractors are some heroes who cleared out, what was it, lizardmen? Something like that. A worrisome thought: are we going to have to become heroes to get into the Upper Baily? Other goals/desiresReginald really wants to find another Mage, maybe a library (and Xy is feeling a bit lost without a library) CorrectionsJarl (Proprieter of the Tilted Keg) had some nasty scandal involving potential infidelity on his wife's part. His wife dropped from sight some time after the scandal. The bedwarmers were not super forthcoming with details (it's not certain they know more). Quote of the Day:"What kind of resistance would I face trying to seduce my way into the keep?" ..."Stiff!"