Session8Our heroes return as heroes. Well, they return, anyway.Good riddance to the Lake, and a Hole in One.Noer
Noer bravely decided to lick Ulrich's ancestor-rocks, and felt a jolt go through his whole body, head out to finger and toe-tips. He's not sure what that was, but hasn't licked any rocks since, so he might be okay. In another fit of bravery (or perhaps still reeling from licking rocks), Noer scoops up the remains of a broken potion bottle and drinks what he can. There was no immediate reaction...maybe he's okay? The party gathered up all the loot they could find, guessed a direction, and marched out to the water's edge. From there, they were able to find their way back to the boats, which were still where they'd left them. After an uneventful (thankfully) trip across the lake, they manage to put a hole in one of the boats pulling it up onto the shore. Oops. The Keep is in a tizzy.The party makes it back to the Keep and finds everyone running around like someone kicked an anthill. They quickly find out that Hobgoblins attacked a caravan coming to the keep (carrying, among other things, the next week's grain shipment). Such outright violence is new, and everyone is super on edge. Our heroes report to Yadris, the lower Baily commandant and get ushered into his office. When a break in the excitement happens, Yadris dismisses everyone but his scribe and asks the party to report. They reportThe report is actually fairly accurate. Highlights include:
We're either going to die in our sleep, or get PAIDThe party is told to not talk to anyone about their adventures in the fens. The party decides to treat this as advice, and also decides to follow the advice. To the baths!Clothing?
On a side note, has anyone besides Vanessa officially acquired a second (or third) set of clothing? Just sayin'. (Hipwaders, as Vanessa notes, are not "cool".) The party elects to visit the public bathhouses to clean up. And good lord do they need to clean up. Noer is in his element (naked people and hot water?) and want receipts for everything the party spends in the bathhouses. He gets them, scrawled on slightly damp scraps of paper, and probably gets overcharged for bothering the staff so much. Cats and Rumor of CatsSince he can't talk about lizardpeople, Noer asks if anyone knows anything about cats. He ends up telling the story of Charlamange the Magnificent and his cats (and Dwarf). He tries to spread a rumor of some reward for the cats, but he's not sure the locals(etc) were buying that bridge. The talk of the town (besides cats) is of course the Hobgoblin raid, and everyone is worried and excited. The party cleans up and some effort is put into tending the various wounds, including Noer's critical wound in his shoulder. Noer goes shopping while Xy tries to get laid (again)Noer goes looking for food to stock up on, but he's not the first, and all he gets are some (questionable) corn dodgers. Xy asks about for Gurge and discovers that ...he's not a half-Orc, he's a Half-*OGRE*. Well. No wonder he could um... "toss her around" so easily. The party discusses next moves and ways and means of proceeding, perhaps offering to help the Keep with the Hobgoblin problem? Quote of the dayWas the dwarf's name "rocks-off" something?