Session9Loot is split
Oleum goes gamblingOleum meets up with Brandon (a Keep guard) and goes gambling. They hook up with another pair of guards and head to the Burning Dawg Inn (where a bit of action takes place). There, they run into Gin - one of the bouncers at the Tilted Keg. They play "Farkle." The GM did not understand the rules. The GM is given to understand it's a fun game. Whatever. Noer falls sick.Noer seems to be having an uncomfortable time. In addition to his injuries, he's suffering from acute intestinal unhappiness. Maybe licking that rock and drinking that bottle's remains mixed with dead lizardperson blood was a bad idea. Rumor and ResultsOleum talks about how much he wants to take out an owlbear. Everyone raises a glass to this ideas for owlbear claws and his owlbear beak hat. Kenya was the big winner of the night, and she courteously thanked everyone while collecting up her winnings. Oleum did alright. Gin, bless his hear, lost a fair bit, and got rather angry about it. He was all for starting a fight with the other guard or committing vandalism, but Oleum managd to dissuade him, and they just went pack to the Keg. The next dayXy runs into some racismGM note on possible futures
The GM IS making a list of everything Vanessa says regarding the doctrine of Sumar-Fareen. Things ought to be really interesting when she hits 10th level and shows back up at a major temple. Xy runs into some racism in the Keg, with one of the serving girls making nasty comments. Xy responds with "Oh, honey - you have no idea." Vanessa reminds them that "Sumar-Fareen loves and accepts love all kinds." Magic?Jarl grabs Roger while no one else is around and asks him "So, you're looking for so spells to be cast?" Roger responds that he's "looking to trade spells and discuss the craft." It's possible that Jarl cannot grasp the concept of "discussing a craft" because he grunts and moves on. No.No. Selling powdered goblin penises as an *anything* is a bad idea. Maybe.Boats with Wheels
The GM would like to point out that in any given campaign involving boats there's about a 70% chance that wheels end up on a boat. Just sayin'. "We need a Battle Wagon." Oleum decides that the Battle Boat would be even better if it had wheels. After considering possiblities including yokes, he decides that the best design is some pegs in the side and wheels attached to those. Quotes and BurnsB: All I want in the world is to make the squirrel use lightning attacks." ... Noer: "They call me lightning daggers." J: "Because you're done after half a second."